Panel 1:
Tile and Mr. Mapleleaf recoil as Abi Boots throws the silver washcloth towards them. The washcloth has grown in size and it shoots black droplets over Tile and Mr. Mapleleaf.
Panel 2:
Tile and Mr. Mapleleaf silhouetted in black against a white void, their solar protection suits now gone. Black droplets expand around them.
Panel 3:
Close up on Tile in a new setting and costume. She wears a bowtie and suit, and sits in a wooden chair. Behind her, dark pink drapes run across a pink damask-papered wall.
Oh, I see.
Panel 4:
Zoom out to show Tile sitting at a long table with a light yellow tablecloth. The table is set for a fancy dinner. In the chairs to the right sit Mr. Mapleleaf and a floating top hat, both of whom also wear bow ties.
It's a dinner party.